KidZone is a before and after school care program serving students in Kindergarten to 12 years old.
TCU Little Titans Preschool is offered with an emphasis on learning readiness.
Have you invested a lot of time, care and money in the plants in your yard and garden? It can be devastating when disease strikes! Join the Le Sueur County Master Gardeners as they host several distinguished speakers knowledgeable about plant diseases. Attendees will learn how diseases in plants function, the signs and symptoms of a disease infestation, and strategies for the prevention of future damage. Have a question you would like answered at the event? Please submit your question with your registration.
Deadline to register is April 15. Register early, space is limited.
*Laura Irish-Hansen, University of Minnesota Extension Educator - Horticulture, Managed Landscapes
Topic Area: Disease in Plants: Identification and Strategies for Prevention
Laura Irish-Hanson is a leader in promoting managed horticultural landscape systems through multiple perspectives such as ecosystem support, climate change, clean water (watershed impact), lower input landscapes, native and resilient plants, decorative landscapes, and more in collaboration with property owners, community organizations, urban stakeholders and others.
*Dr. Jon Trappe, University of Minnesota Extension Educator - Horticulture, Turf & Urban Greenspace
Topic Area: Disease in Lawns
Dr. Jon Trappe has over 20 years of experience working in the turfgrass industry. He received his B.S. in Agronomy from Purdue University, M.S. in Horticulture from the University of Arkansas, and Ph.D. in Agronomy from Purdue University. Jon is passionate about helping homeowners and professionals manage their turfgrass areas using fewer resources.
*Shane Bugeja, Minnesota Tree Care Volunteer
Topic Area: Disease in Trees
Shane Bugeja is a former Extension Educator with the University of Minnesota Extension in Le Sueur and Blue Earth Counties with many years of experience working in agronomy, ecology and horticulture in addition to writing popular science articles focusing on insects, soil fertility, and urban forestry.
Early Bird Registration Fee (must register by Feb 28): $30 (includes lunch)
Registration Fee starting March 1st: $35 (includes lunch)